If you are requesting a transcript or diploma, you will need to complete the request form below, supply proof of identity (i.e. photo of license or ID card), and remit $5.00 for each transcript requested or $35.00 for a diploma reprint.
Cash or money order preferred. Personal checks accepted but must clear the bank before your request will be processed. We do not take credit cards. Payment should be made to Venture School.
Payment can be mailed to our school or you can drop it off in our drop box located on the wall to the right of the front doors. School address is: 10540 Albion Rd. San Ramon, CA 94582. Please be sure to include your full name with your payment.
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All requests for transcripts will require one to two business days to be processed after receipt of both payment and proof of identity.
Venture is the K-12 independent study school within the San Ramon Valley Unified School District. For information about our school and how to apply click HERE.
Established in 1978, the Venture School is a fully accredited comprehensive school for students in grades K-adult education, and delivers the curriculum through independent or home study. Students come to Venture a minimum of once a week and spend about an hour with their teacher. Students receive weekly assignments at that time, and are expected to spend a minimum of 20 hours a week on academic work.
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